
    Fee regulation


    You can download our detailed and current fee regulations here.

    General information

    A landing fee is payable for each landing at Koblenz-Winningen airfield, which is based on the maximum take-off weight and the noise protection category of the aircraft. To prove the noise protection category, we require the noise certificate of the respective aircraft, if it has not already been recorded by us. We distinguish between the following categories:

    • Cat. A: increased noise protection
    • Cat. B: simple noise protection
    • Cat. C: no noise protection

    A reduced landing fee is charged for school landings. If you have any questions about our charges, we will be happy to help you at any time. The costs for indoor parking and fixed indoor pitches (if available) are available on request.



    You pay your landing fees at the flight control centre. At weekends and on public holidays we are supported by cashiers who are waiting for you next to the briefing room in the main building (1st floor). We accept credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Diners Club), EC cards (German banks) and of course cash. Payment with carnets and American Express is NOT possible.


    Landing Fees 

    MTOW [kg] from Cat. A Cat. B Cat. C Training Cat. A Training Cat. B Training Cat. C Overnight parking 
    0 7,70 11,98 16,22 6,49 10,64 16,22 5,77
    1.001 9,19 14,57 20,41 6,49 10,64 20,41 6,88
    1.201 14,52 23,30 29,73 7,26 11,65 29,73 8,25
    1.401 19,36 31,25 39,85 9,69 15,62 39,85 9,35
    1.601 25,30 40,65 49,62 12,65 20,33 49,62 9,35
    2.001 37,95 60,98 74,43 28,46 45,73 45,73 14,03
    3.001 50,60 81,30 99,25 37,95 60,98 99,25 18,71
    4.001 63,25 101,63 124,06 47,43 76,22 124,06 23,38
    5.001 75,90 121,95 148,87 56,93 91,46 148,87 28,06

    All prices quoted are in euros and include the statutory value added tax of 19%. Prices without guarantee.

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